Friday, November 11, 2011

The Beginning

     At the beginning of every journey one must first choose a destination. Some choose not to choose, but we will be different, and choose to choose. But what will our choice be? It seems to me that until a purpose is formed, a clear destination cannot be named. It is the purpose behind the journey that gets us to our destination.
    What could be our purpose? Seems like such a tough question. When I first confronted myself with this, it boggled my mind. I knew the answer had to be meaningful and thoughtful. The task was difficult and hard, I struggled for many weeks, until it was  revealed to me that I could choose to make changes to my purpose if needed. The pressure to make it right, the first time, was so intense that it kept me from making any progress. Having that pressure fade away as a result of adjusting my perspective allowed me the ability to choose. I defined my definite purpose to be "To inspire joy and love in everyone I encounter, continue to seek out knowledge and wisdom, and to help facilitate personal development in men and women." Yours will probably be much different which is completely fine.  The important step lies in making the choice to choose.. The choice is always there to choose again.
      Now that a purpose has been defined a destination can be chosen. There is great power, in the realization, that what we choose today is what we get tomorrow. All choices, carry with them, residual outcomes.  But with a chosen destination and a defined purpose, one is equipped with a strong foundation for daily direction and reason. This direction allows one greater ability to make the right choices which will carry the desired outcomes. We are all different, so my destination will be different then yours. I happen to have a great interest in the business and investing world. My destination will have a focus in these areas.
     A chosen destination should be balanced.  If all the focus is on work and health, areas like relationships and spirituality can suffer.  A destination is defined by setting a goal, writing it down and being specific. I recommend at least one goal for all the key ares in life. An unbalanced life will often lead to trouble waters.  Life is better enjoyed with a little attention to balance.  
     Choosing a destination is much the same as creating or choosing a reality.  For instance, if I chose to volunteer at a charity, I choose to be part of that reality. It is also possible I could create my own charity which is the creation of a new reality that can be shared with those who choose to share theirs. Either way the choice to choose is present. Think of reality as a Whole. Everyone's personal reality is within the whole reality. Make a change in your own reality and in many ways it affects the reality of the whole. It is possible for my reality to make impressions on yours and likewise. If I give a gift to a friend I am entering there reality and affecting it. When that friend tells other friends of the gift, again it is impressing on their reality. When we gather socially we are sharing our realities with others. We are ALL connected through reality.  When 9/11 happened the choices of a few individual realities affected much of the world.  Setting in motion many more choices to be made by powerful leaders. These choices our leaders had to make, changed the realities of the whole.  Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie, and Walt Disney are all great examples of great creators of there reality. Not only did they change how they, themselves, saw the world. But made huge changes to reality as a whole.
      The power for us to make a difference in this world is found with in each of us. That power is CHOICE. We have the power to choose our purposes in life. The ability to set goals, and to choose or create our realities. The rules are what you make them and the limitations are only where you set them. Find your purpose, choose your destination, and start your journey.

A Little Video